Necessary Leadership • 04.23.23
Jack Flaherty   -  

Necessary Leadership

Titus 1:5-16

Two gospel-focused actions for putting church leadership in order

  1. Appoint godly elders/overseers
  2. Address ungodly teachers/teaching


Good morning! My name is Jack Flaherty and I serve as one of the Pastors here at Harvest. I am excited to study God’s Word with you this morning. Reminder that our Sr Pastor Nick Lees is on a month-long Sabbatical. Please continue to pray for their time away.  For us, we are on week two of a four week pause in the book of Hebrews, studying the letter to Titus. How is the memorizing going? Last week I referenced Alistair Begg’s challenge to his congregation in Cleveland OH to read the letter 2-3 times a day (10-15 minutes) for 30 days and they would have it memorized. Maybe you started that maybe not, but I would encourage you to spend more than just Sunday morning in this letter. It is small yet mighty in the lessons for you and me!


Before we dive in, 4th-5th graders dismissed. The rest of us open your Bibles to Titus 1.  Ushers and Bibles.  Reminder of Scripture journals if you want them for the last two weeks!


As you turn to Titus, a quick reminder that last week we kicked off our study of this letter by looking at the author, audience, agenda, and considering some applications for our lives. Paul writes to Titus who is on the notorious island of Crete and reminds him about the task at hand. He does this in a robust first fives verses by explicitly and implicitly encouraging Titus to keep the main thing the main thing. That is, to keep the gospel front and center. To let the gospel be what marks his ID, his beliefs, & his mission in Crete…things which also ought to be true of us.


In the intro Paul gives much info that will be expanded on in the rest of the letter about setting things in order in the church by the preaching of the good news. Setting in order looks like appointing good teachers and teaching good truth! Today we will continue to unpack this letter specifically looking at the necessary role of leadership in the local church. Let’s read Titus 1:5-16.


Keeping the main thing the main things helps you stay focused on mission and heading the right direction. Logically, detouring then gets you off mission or heading the wrong direction. Story of my detour to Alabama when going to Disney. Story of Mack Stiles flying in Africa and being off a couple of degrees ending in the wrong country. It’s important that if the gospel is the main thing that leaders keep that the main thing. as the leader goes, so does everyone else.


In the text before us today, Titus is reminded of a couple things he ought to do for the churches in Crete so that their leadership is in order, and thus so that the church is on target. These instructions are not “nice to haves” but are necessary for the glory of God, health of the church, and faithfulness of the mission of sharing the gospel. So today we are looking at…


Two gospel focused actions for putting church leadership in order.


These two actions we will discuss are ultimately about keeping the gospel front and center. The gospel (looking back to v1-4) is the hope of eternal life promised long ago, manifested in the Savior Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and rose again victorious for all who repent and believe. This good news is now entrusted to Paul, Titus, and the church to preach so that elect may be saved, and the saints matured in godliness. This gospel must be the center of the lives of church leaders & the foundation of their teaching. Everything about them should reflect the good news! Paul first turns to the description of what kind of teachers Titus to appoint. This is the second of the two commands in v5 but is our first point.


  1. Appoint godly elders/overseers

Now you might say, Paul tells us the Koalificaitons needed of leaders (picture on slide) for them to be appointed. Fun by not funny as the men currently in place don’t meet the qualifications and got the church looking a mess! Under the authority of the apostle Paul, Titus is sent to help oversee the raising up and installation of some new men. Here Paul lists gospel informed requirements for elders/overseers. Again, all they are about should reflect the good news.


Just this past week our Pastoral team read & discussed the necessity of gospel focused leadership from a book we are studying together Lead by Paul David Tripp. It’s important to think about the many implications of the gospel in the life of those who lead and teach, not just for those men but also for the church family who submits to them and holds them accountable to godliness. So, it is good and fitting we study it together today.


Paul uses both the term elder and overseer in v5-9, hinting that they are interchangeable. Not going into all the biblical data and arguments here but terms bishop/overseer, elder, pastor & even shepherded are all the same office! These guys are supposed to be present in plurality in every church! Nick on 1 Tim 3 for even more. What do we see about their qualifications?


First, we get this idea of above reproach which summarizes the list. Can also come with idea of blameless. Not perfection but men who are quick to repent of sin & are growing in godliness. They are a model Christians: “you want to know what a Christian is, look to Titus or to the elders?” That’s a big deal!  What are we looking for specifically? They ought to reflect the heart of Jesus. How all does that play out? A lot of ways in a lot of situations! So, what follows in this list is NOT meant to be exhaustive. But is important as Paul is strategic. He elevates good things that are not happening and confronts the bad things that are. Also, this list is for Titus to be reminded of what he ought to exemplify as he sets things in order. As mentioned last week, the church won’t likely be thrilled BUT he can’t use that as an excuse to not be above reproach. What’s all on this list?


  1. Above reproach at home (v6-7a)
  • “Husband of one wife…one woman man”

This qualification is not necessarily saying you must be married. Paul in 1 Cor stays single as I am. Would he, holding a higher office ask elders to meet different qualifications? Likely not. Also, this wouldn’t DQ a man whose been widowed. Most likely it is really coming after polygamy and promiscuity. Remember the context of Crete where they aren’t known for their morality. Legendary birthplace of Zeus who was lauded for being a womanizer. Christian leaders ought to be different because of Christ. Thus, marriage is a proving ground of Christlike character.


One wife is the current status of living faithfully for the Lord. Not only does this not rule out single men I do not think it necessarily rules out someone who has been divorced or remarried. Some room for grace and disagreement. Bottom line is this qualification is about finding men who are above reproach in sexual purity. These are men of faithfulness. If married, the husband should be in love with and committed to his wife and her alone. Not flirting. Not giving room for questions. Not losing the battle to lust. For a single man, he remains pure.


  • “Children are believers/faithful”

This line has caused some controversy too! Word in Greek ‘πιστός῾ can be believing or faithful. As I have read and wrestled and prayed and studied and talked with elders, we continue to affirm this as best translated “faithful.” Why? Three big reasons borrowing some arguments from Pastor Bobby Jamieson. First, no pastor can be assured of regeneration of their kid. Even if so, this happens at a point. Should every time a pastor has a new kid, they get DQ’d? or a grace period? Nah. Not to mention the considerations about till what age does this matter! Second, in v6 the phrase naturally moves positive to negative. Faithful (positive) not open to charge (negative). Third, the parallel in 1 Timothy 3 “having obedient children” is the same idea. Could more literally say “having faithful children.” Both passages give some explanation (not open & with dignity).


All that to say, I think this idea is that children are faithful to their fathers. Submitting to and obeying their leadership while in the home. Again, Paul was married so didn’t have kids in 1 Cor. So, the qualification here is not necessity of having kids BUT if you have them they better be shepherded well. Men called to shepherded should already be shepherding well! Kids will follow their father’s leadership, or he might not be one who is a good leader.


Just like 1 Tim 3 says how can you manage God’s home if not your own, in 7a we see the same idea as stewards are home managers! Kids don’t need to be perfect, but they should be obedient/well behaved. We pray by God’s grace they come to saving faith. The results are up to God.  A pastor’s role is to, like Deut 6 or Eph 6, faithfully share faith with & discipline their kids.


Interesting that there is stuff about the home but not about the workplace. Not that workplace is unimportant and following character list speaks to that. Yet we can get too excited about businessman or visionary. Quote along these lines Nick shared back in 1 Tim 3 from Jeremy Rinne in his book Church Elders which says “You might assume that the most important characteristic for an elder would be skill in running an organization. While management ability is a part of being a church overseer, the New Testament writers put far greater emphasis on holy character. Jesus’ under-shepherds must reflect Jesus’ character. Better a godly elder with mediocre leadership gifts than a charismatic leader with glaring moral flaws.”


This isn’t just elders but all of us in the church. I won’t go off on a tangent here but priorities matter in the church and leaders lead that. Next category…


  1. Above reproach in character (v7b-8)

Do nots

  • Not arrogant Self-centered & self-interested. This is the idea of someone who is proud. “It’s all about me baby!” Doesn’t care about God’s will nor needs of others. That’s not exactly gospel stuff. This cannot be how an elder lives.
  • Not quick temperedShort fuse, prone to anger or rage, easily ready to fight. This can’t happen instead their ought to be a meekness and graciousness and gentleness of Christ. OT called it longed nosed. Don’t be short nosed!
  • Not a drunkardDrinking nor any other substance ought to bring a leader in the church to lose mental sharpness or sound judgement. The Trench WWI movie…Leading into battle requires awareness!
  • Not violent Literally a bully. Don’t be abusive verbally or spiritually or physically. Build up the church, not tear it down. Violence is not the answer in the Lord’s house.
  • Not greedy for gainIf you are in ministry for the money that is the wrong motive. Especially here for Titus, he is facing hostility not a payday. 1 Peter 5:2 says not working for money but eagerly! There should be a desire for this role.


  • HospitableElders should be opening their homes and their hearts. A passage that has challenged me for the past several weeks is 1 Thess 2:8 “Being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves.” Lots of OT history of how God’s people were different welcoming the sojourner and showing them love and help. Elders use what God have given you—time, food, home—for the sake of the gospel and the saints.
  • Lover of goodOne who cares about virtue. Passion for good things like we see in Philippians 4:8. Things good by nature and good for others ought to be prioritized.
  • Self-controlled This is a fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5. This is mental, emotional, and physical control of oneself. Self-controlled is not just for elders. In fact, we see it five times in first wo chapters of Titus! Here, and then for nearly each category in chapter 2.
  • Uprightthis is not perfection but a pattern of going to God. Describes a person who is faithful, equitable, just, and honest with others…their ministry is credible!
  • HolyThis is not the usual word for holiness but same idea of pure of unpolluted. Pursue a life unstained by sin and as a reflection of godliness, Christlikeness, Spirit-filledness.
  • Disciplinedhas some similar connotations like self-controlled. This person bends heart to the Word not to their passions. Trained to renounced ungodliness like a boxer or an athlete.

Why these qualities? Because of what they were going against. We will get into v10-16 more in a minute but let’s briefly look at what is says about current elders. Those who are defiled in mind and conscience v15. They are blind. BUT they’re smart/know things v14 AND they were making $$$ v11. So, Titus, going in telling them to change, taking what they’ve been doing to make money away from them AND their position of power and influence. Hornets’ nest! We hit on this last week but even with the command and authority for the task at hand from Paul, it’s important to highlight what true godliness looks like according to the gospel so that Titus lives it out and navigates it faithfully. These attributes are not just for fun but part of the stuff that makes an elder and helps them address hard situations like Titus is facing.


Last category is most important. Because it is the main function of activity for elder. They need to be a certain type of man but have to do certain type of job and that is teach.

  1. Above reproach in doctrine (v9)

Hold firm trustworthy word as taught. Then exhort in sound doctrine and rebuke those who contradict it. This is almost exactly what is said in 2:16. Elder must humbly be taught, hold fast to that teaching, and then be able to teach it to others. A godly elder looks like a Psalm 1 man who is blessed by meditating on the law day and night and they bear fruit.  This does not need to be a preacher. But he must be able to communicate truth in variety of settings– engaging with the Scriptures and engaging others with the Scriptures. “Sound” here is healthy. Whole. Well. Nothing sickly. They are dedicated to truth and diligent to teach because he is devoted to God! Got nothing else better to bring! This sounds teaching what Paul reminds and tells Titus about from v10 onward in the letter.


In these three areas of above reproachness, we see character and competency here. These are crucial! A third category would be calling. This calling is both subjective and objective. There is a local church who by their authority affirms the appointment of this man AND there is something internally in the man who desires it. I mentioned Bobby Jamieson earlier, his work The Path to Being a Pastor: a guide for the aspiring would be a helpful work to peruse.


You may ask, what do we do with this? Does this matter if we already have elders? YES! First, get to know people in our church, especially the leaders. Do you have that relationship and trust with the men who lead our church? Do you know all of them by name? How are you relating to your elders? Should know them to be able to affirm the appointments. Can we affirm these things? Interesting v5 to v6 is appoint IF you find them. Titus needs to know them, train them towards qualification and then encourage them to lead if qualified, and so should we.


Second thing, be willing to grow and help others grow! We ought to desire to meet these qualifications and help others to do the same. Good questions from Harvest Students. “How do they get these men? Are they there? What about the fact that they are all liars?! Can they even be above reproach?” All great! The idea is that Titus would teach them! Would train them. Would prepare them. It will take work and effort. Be willing to grow and meet these standards.

Though elder is for qualified men everyone in the church can aspire to this entire list! If you think “I can’t change” do you realize what you say? That is doubting the bigness and greatness of God! God is awesome but you know how I am, just the way I am. Stop! Be willing to grow. And invest in others so that they can do the same.


This is where Paul turns next v10. These current leaders, MANY but not all, are not showing they value the true gospel. They are leading in unbiblical, unnecessary, & dangerous ways! Action should be taken against such leadership because it results is disorder. Second action is…


  1. Address ungodly teachers/teaching

Paul in v10-16 really hits of both objectives for Titus in v5. Setting in order and appoint new elders. There is disorder with current leaders and this disorder does not show the main thing is the main thing NOR give opportunities to advance gospel ministry. In fact, it brings about the exact opposite. The main thing is not happening. So, how do we address wrong guys?


Seems that v10 serves as a bit of a foil of the types of ungodliness. There is insubordination that is disrupting families. There is empty-talk which is self-focused & defiling minds & consciences. AND there is deceit, both on the part of the teachers doing the deceiving & they themselves are deceived by false teaching. All three categories must be confronted! Not an option!

  1. Confront Disruption—silence it! (v11)

These guys here are speaking nonsense! Empty talker is the idea that they are a law unto themselves and not accountable to anyone. These useless words are all show and no substance. Fancy speech or sound doctrine? Not only this but they disrupt with this empty talk because they are talking about a Jesus plus theology. Circumcision party as the main issue and the issue is in the name. They were saying gospel plus circumcision. Like mentioned last week, how awesome Titus is there—a Greek who could speak to the culture but also been hanging with Paul who said no circumcision. Titus has authority to speak against this cancerous belief. There are other forms of gospel plus in our day that also are man centered. The “What I can do” or “I’ll bring something to the table” gospel. No wonder families are disrupted! Add weight and works is bad news. The good news is Jesus is the Savior when we can’t save ourselves.


On top of this, for them it is all about the money. So they aren’t just messing with truth they are robbing these people. Pay for gospel ministry isn’t wrong and even encouraged in the Scriptures. But as the primary motivation it’s a corruption of God’s way for the church. One commentary said much like the rest of the men for hire on this island these teachers are ministerial mercenaries! Hired guns motivated by the money. Greedy for gain is wrong! Especially when it comes from teaching what ought not be taught. The best way to deal with this is by putting a muzzle on them. Confront this disruption with silence. If the motive for ministry is money, then pull the plug. Not good to reason with disruption. Got to silence it and calm it down. This is often the case when there is overexcitement in our home, sports, politics. Until someone calms can’t truly deal! Elders, stop false teaching in its tracks. Leads to second are of confrontation.


  1. Confront deception—Rebuke it (v12-14)

In v12 we see a poem from Cretan named Epimenedes. This man speaks what was know about the character of the Cretans. There was an expression ‘to Cretanize’ meaning to lie. They are deceivers! And as evil beasts they were deceived by passions at war within them. They’d did what they did because they wanted what they wanted and thought it was better, which has been the problem since Eden. They deceive others because they are deceived and they are deceived because they are lazy gluttons…self-indulgent. Paul says this is true, not because every single Cretan fit this description but because these false teachers and what they spoke fit the description.  What was specifically talked about? In v14 we see Jewish myths and commands of men. Again, this stuff that was speculative and full of man-made rules. This is opposite of what we see v9. It ought to be confronted. And not for the sake of silence or cancel culture BUT as v13 says for the sake of sound faith! That’s an important motivation!


  1. Confront defilement (v15-16)

This is some strong what we call antecedent theology in v15-16. We need to know the OT! These people, especially Jews, would know how significant clean & unclean language is. Frist they are defiled inside in the mind and conscience v15. These guys lack purity on the inside because they lack faith. They want do it on their own. “Mind” means their thinking is messed up. But also their “conscience” meaning moral compass is messed up. Sweet book my JD Crawley and Andy Naselli Conscience would be helpful to know more about this idea (we also have children’s book of it). The conscience is a God given gift and not mythical Jiminy Cricket or the good and bad persons on the shoulders. This is legit! Yet corrupted by sin. And when we choose sin, especially intentionally, and we fail to calibrate or recalibrate what sin has stained with the Word of God we will be in a bad place. This is where they are. Conscience and mind defiled.


Second, they are defiled on the outside. In v16 profess Christ but they are NOT acting Christian. THEY ARE GOOD FOR NOTHING! OK, Paul, tell us how you really feel! Not only inside messed up but outside its clear they violate all the qualifications mentioned in v6-8 above. Instead of managing their households they are upsetting whole families. They are arrogant, impatient, bullies, who are all about indulging their passions. They are not welcoming, loving good, not showing self-control or discipline. They are greedy about money. They reject the trustworthy word by adding more to it, teaching what is false and rejecting what is right.


Ministry of confrontation is not easy but it is essential. Gospel is at stake. These various confrontations I think came with two main motives. Cancel them and send them to hell forever. NO?!?! v13 says for the purpose of bringing about sound faith! Paul has harsh words for these false teachers and their teachings. But this confrontation is back to his gospel purpose. So that things would be in order and so that qualified leaders would be appointed.


And here is the deal, its about the truth! We must be careful what we call false teaching that isn’t false but Christian freedom. How about school choice? How about positions on certain political matters? Where your $$$ goes and your free time? How often to do communion? All of those things are indeed important, and I believe the Bible speaks to all of them. BUT we ought to be charitable if its not gospel centric. And regardless the topic we want to approach the convo for the sake of unity and order in the body and sound faith. And we ought ot receive such confrontations knowing its for our own health! Don’t reject it if an elder comes to you. They simply want what Paul and Titus want, ultimately what Jesus wants–Faith which accords with godliness.


Again back to Harvest Students convo, how do this happen that they get men to lead if everyone is a liar? How do those who are currently unqualified get qualified? How? By discipline and teaching, rebuke and correction, training in truth and righteousness. Is that how we think about addressing ungodly, contrary to the bible, or false teaching and teachers? Now don’t get it twisted, that doesn’t mean go soft. Paul holds no punches. Unfit, disobedient, and detestable. Later in chapter 3 he will say there is a point that after warning and rebuking you do no longer have anything to do with them. But the originating goal is restoration. That’s the point of church discipline in Matthew 18 that you are restored to your brother or sister. This is done in love. For others!


The is what we ought to want. Leadership that is for gospel is for us! Thankful for the men God has entrusted to our church and their gospel care for the flock! God has been gracious and faithful to exhort and rebuke us through his word and using. Church continues to look for Godly men to lead and graciously and for the sake of sound faith confront false teaching. And more importantly, continue to remember God will always be the head of the church and help the mission advance! It will be accomplished. We ultimately submit to the best leader we ever seenJesus! He did and does this job perfectly! And It does so because he for his people. Let’s pray out church will continue to follow the main leader that is Christ! apart of that! Pray



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