The Task at Hand • 04.16.23
Jack Flaherty   -  

The Task at Hand

Titus 1:1-5

Four introductory matters and their connection to the gospel

  1. Author
  2. Audience
  3. Agenda
  4. Applications

Good morning! My name is Jack Flaherty and I serve as one of the Pastors here at Harvest. And if you are visiting or forgot/haven’t heard our Senior Pastor Nick Lees and his family are currently on a month-long sabbatical. This is an opportunity for them after 10 years in full time ministry plus 3 years of seminary to get extended time away for refreshment, and encouragement, and intentional time with the Lord. As Nick mentioned two weeks ago they look forward to, Lord willing, decades of faithful ministry ahead and see this as means of promoting such longevity. They have had a blessed first few days away. Continue to respect their time, pray for them, and we look forward to them being back early May.


So what does that mean for us? We are taking a planned pause in the book of Hebrews which we’ve been in since the beginning of the year to spend four weeks on Titus. This letter has some similarities to what we studied in 1 + 2 Timothy at the end of last year related to the blueprint of the church, yet is also distinct in its emphases. Titus written about same time at 1 Timothy in early 60’s AD. Personal/pastoral letter but aimed at congregational life.  It’s a short book with only three chapters and 46 verses, but it packs a punch! We could overview it in one sermon or could spend a whole year.  So I’d encourage you to read ahead, soak it in, and let’s be ready to learn. Alistair Begg suggested reading the letter three times a day for 30 days and you might have it memorized! Think we can do that by May 7th?!


Before we dive in, 4th-5th graders dismissed. The rest of us open your Bibles to Titus 1.  Ushers and Bibles.  Also if you have a scripture journal from 1 +2 Timothy bust that out! We got a few more in the back which are free for you to grab while they last.


We will kick off our Titus today looking at just the first 5 verses. Though we won’t have a true overview sermon this will sort of serve that purpose. All the information that I would include in an overview I think we can touch on from this introduction. I am NOT just wanting you to see this as a list of information about Titus or the Bible. I want us to know God and his plan for our lives.  Title today is “The Task At Hand” because we will see not only what the task of this letter is, but I believe we will be reminded what the task for the church is. As the series is titled, I think that primary task is the spreading of the gospel and seeing the pertinent outworking’s of the gospel in the life, learning, and leadership of the local church. Read Titus 1:1-5. Let’s pray!


Have you heard the expression before “keep the main thing the main thing”? Most attribute it to Stephen Covey who wrote The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. But it comes up in other places. In SG this weekTony Pearce brought up how the quote was used by the Miami Heat to recruit Lebron James back in 2010. He was being wooed by every team in the league and Pat Riley reportedly walked into the meeting and tossed bag of NBA championship rings on the table (he had 7 at the time and James zero). He said something like “keep the main thing the main thing and come to Miami and win rings.” James did and they won two. Could get more into James or this story BUT you get the idea — whatever the main thing is, it tends to drives decisions.

We talked last week about the main thing for Christians from 1 Cor 15. That is the Jesus died for our sins and rose again on the third day according to the Scriptures and appeared to many after as proof that we have hope for our own resurrection. Jesus has the final say over sin and death for all who repent and believe. This is the gospel message, and it is the main thing for Christians! We’ve prayed and sung about it today. In Christ we are dead to sin, made new in him, and are called to live according to this transformational good news.


This gospel was the main thing in Paul’s life. He was radically changed by Jesus Christ and he radically lived for the sake of the good news of Jesus Christ being spread. Not only himself, but he equipped others to do the same. I believe that is what Paul emphasizes to Titus here in this letter and especially in the introduction. Paul reminds Titus to keep the main thing the main thing, and let that main thing influence all that you do in the ministry into which you have been placed.


In this introduction Paul gives some incredibly dense content related to Titus keeping the gospel central. Though his second shortest letter it is the third longest introduction! Paul doesn’t waste words and he tells us some important pieces of information. Each word under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is profitable in telling us the big picture of this letter’s connections to the good news of Jesus and in instructing us in our own walk with Jesus. So today we are looking at Four introductory matters and their connection to the gospel. We are going to address the four things you see: author, audience, agenda, application. I wont have much Bible on the screen because I want us to get used to knowing where to go in the letter.


Before unpack v1-5, here is a map of Titus. This is copied from my Greek professor Dr Rob Green. We will probably come back to this in the following weeks but it gives you an initial glimpse to the flow and importance of the gospel in this letter. Two things to point. First, there is a clear link to good news and good works in this letter. We see good works in 1:16; 2:7, 14: 3:1, 8, 14 and good or sound teaching/faith in 1:9, 13; 2:1, 3, 10. Those who are Christians behave different because of the one who has transformed them and in whom they are saved. Ben Shapiro and Russell Brand on this earlier this week. We are unique in that we are then do, not do then are.


Second thing is that sound doctrine is to be taught and false doctrine refuted. Elders, which Titus is, are to exhort and rebuke 1:9 & 2:15. Saving faith accords with godliness mentioned in 1:1; emphasized in contrasting how Titus ought to be a model to how false teachers behaved/teach in 2:1; is the motivation for the good behavior in some specific ways men and women in the church in 2:11-14; and more generally the motivation for all who are in Christ 3:4-7.


We will get into depth in all of this in the coming weeks, but this today let’s zoom back into v1-5 and see how this introduction helps launch us well in the next weeks. First introductory matter…


  1. Author: Paul

Why do we have what we have here about Paul? As mentioned earlier this is one of Paul’s longest intros. Paul knows how to write a run-on-sentence but he is not trying to get to a word count. He is trying to share some important things about himself, his mission, and the work of God particularly in salvation. No thanksgiving or prayer like a normal intro. Let’s work through this.

Identity—servant of God and apostle of Jesus Christ.

Paul’s names show he is operating on God’s agenda not his own. Paul is a humble servant. This  unique term “Servant of God” is only used here the NT. Not significantly different than servant of Christ used elsewhere but it’s intentional OT lingo. Paul evidently wants to show he’s not coming at it from somewhere new but from the likes of Moses, Elijah, and David. He comes from long line of people who have received the promised hope of life eternal long ago (which we will discuss in a bit) and he desires to see it continually passed down. He gets this truth and the authority to pass it down from the one he serves AND from the one who sent him.


Which brings us to apostle of Jesus Christ. Paul was an apostle in technical sense of seeing and being commission directly by Jesus. And also in the general sense of one whose been sent. His sending was for the purpose of gospel ministry which Is twofold–salvation and sanctification.


Purpose-faith of elect and knowledge of truth in hope of eternal life

Paul tells us this is the reason he does what he does. First the faith of the elect. This is about salvation. Seeing lost souls saved. Repentance and belief. However, secondly, it’s also about sanctification. This is the growth of those who are already in Christ! The truth opens eyes to salvation and grows one up in sanctification! This truth of the gospel leads to godliness.


Truth is a big deal here because it leads to eternal life and equips us for a godly life. God who never lies is the source of truth. This is brought up to foreshadow Paul going in on the false teachers in 1:12-14 using Cretan poem against themselves. They are inconsistent but God is not. Even more so I think the truth piece and God who never lies is brought up less to highlight bad Cretan leaders but more to show who God is and what he has promised! This eternal hope is not wishful thinking but secure.  Its secure because it was promised before time began! Then at the right time it was made known! Now this hope has been entrusted to the likes of Paul to share. Therefore, those who believe in this can have confident assurance.


Titus should know this. Right? Why does Paul include purpose and ID if writing to a buddy? His ID and purpose should be known right? Well he does so in order to connect it all to the mission! This is the same mission he has given to Titus in keeping the main thing the main thing, that is the message from God’s Word.


Mission-preaching God’s Word

Again, we’ve said Paul is on assignment. He has been commanded to preach, like soldier from superior. This is the specific means of carrying out the purpose God has given him. Faith and knowledge through preaching of the Word. And what he shares is NOT his own word but God’s Word!  The word which was promised from before the beginning of time, let that sink for a minute! Then it was made manifest at the perfect time, let that sink again. And now was entrusted to a mere mortal man to communicate. God is doubly at work in promising of salvation and now manifesting it through preaching of the Word.


The preaching of God’s Word matters. Read a commentary this week that said “We are challenged not changed, convicted not converted, hear but not. We get holy and mature.” Preaching is not just to be sweet time on Sunday but to produce faith. This is originating faith for those who are not yet saved and increasing faith for those who are saved.


Speaking of saved, something cool statistically here. BIG DEAL! “Savior” 12x in NT and 6x in Titus. Two of six here in these first five verses. Also, ought to add others from “soter” word group like salvation. This group appears more times per 1000 words in Titus than any Pauline epistle. For a letter some think focuses only on “good works” there are two gospel poems in ch 2 & 3 and salvation more than any other letter. Again, this main task isn’t just to make people more moral or to make Crete an upstanding place but to point people to the God who changes heart! “The hope of eternal life is embraced by faith and motivates godly living.” This is what Paul no urges Titus to continue to share.


  1. Audience: Titus

Titus is mentioned 13x in the Bible. He was a Greek who was not forced to be circumcised so not legalistic. He preached same gospel nonetheless Did go to Jerusalem council with Paul. Encouraged Paul and comforted others by God’s grace. Was a soldier who was out there working with hard folks such as Corinth.  Titus has been given a tough job again Job is in Crete. We’ve been alluding to this a bit but Crete is an important island in the Mediterranean. Known for mercenaries, being the report birthplace of Zeus, and minotaurs! This place was a bit wild and had a reputation. It also had strategic seaports, which Paul likely valued for the sake of getting the mission out. How the gospel got there we don’t exactly know. Probably Jews who returned after Pentecost. Paul sent Titus there to help this young church. What do we see about him?


Identify–true child of Paul in a common faith

Elsewhere he is called partner and fellow worker and even something akin to Paul’s mini-apostle but not here. Military like orders for Titus who has been directed by Paul (v5). I think all the details of Paul are related to the authority given to Titus. Paul gets his authority from Jesus and Titus gets his authority from Paul. Though derived he is showing there is consistency in the message and authority from which it springs. Though a tough assignment from what we read in 2 Corinthians it seems Titus had good relational skills. He had affection for the church for the faith.


True child is not that he was his literal biological father. Could mean he was the one who lead him to Christ or at least discipled him. But I do think we can infer that this is meant to speak of family. Saved into a family! Not just from something but too something! Common faith!


Word for common is koine like koine Greek. Common man’s language. Common man’s faith. This isn’t just for Jews but for all. Probably why Paul says for the sake of the elect back in v1. Hitting on circumcision party, Judaizers, who said Jews were elect so get like us. No there is a common faith. Though not universal or wily-nilly syncretism faith. This still requires submission to Jesus Christ. Nonetheless we are invited by God to a relationship marked by grace and peace as we see in v4. Wow! More on this in a second, but know this motivations brings action. Titus isn’t invited to chill on the island but to do work. This moves into action.


Mission–preaching God’s Word in Crete

Alluded to this but I think what is said about Paul is meant to get at the authority needed to encourage Titus to carry things out and to have the Cretans submit to his leadership. Titus is given a tough job which we will unpack more specifics of in point three. But the main thing Titus is to do is to share of the grace and peace that is offered through Jesus and all its outworksings.


Don’t sneak over this typical greeting though in v4. Grace and Peace from the Father. We’ve been camping on this in Hebrews and again on Easter. Paul desires for God’s grace and peace to reign in Titus life! Its not just authority but relationship that motivates. in common faith. But ultimately God is the Father to both. Titus you’ve been saved! By grace through faith you’ve been brought to peace with God. What a glorious hope of eternal life! This is a greeting to send him into the mission field BUT also an incredible encouragement and reminder of the things that matter most. Rightness with God.


I can’t imagine as a man who struggles with fear of man dropping into some place where you know no one and have to say welp leaders are out and fixing all that’s broken. Woah! Sure he had been in Corinth and we see Titus seems to have relational strengths and ability to connect with people and encourage and comfort. BUT nonetheless, Paul loves this man. He wants him to succeed. Both want God’s glory. So he humbly encourages him. Any doubts or struggles which we know of none could be calmed there. Any self-righteous I got this I am the man would be thwarted by the reminder of borrowed capital from God.


The faith they have is from a God who cannot lie. Hope of eternal life in character and integrity of God from eternity past until the just right time! The Word became flesh and was made known through preaching. Preaching of Gods word! That’s Paul’s burden. He calls Titus to it. We are called to do it too. Not another gospel. Best news out there! Titus job is to keep the main thing the main thing. From this main thing springs two specific tasks on Titus agenda. Well we’ve hit on this a bit already but lets get into agenda of the letter and of Titus.


  1. Agenda: set in order what remains and appoint elders in every town

The overall agenda is for Paul to encourage Titusto do what he’s been called to. These evidently are reminders of what he already known as v5 says. Not first-time hearing this. Not 100% sure why he gets a reminder. Possibly encouragement like don’t forget. Or maybe to help others in the church read it. Either way, this letter agenda hits on Titus two main items of action that are related to gospel ministry, especially in the church. Mark Dever summarizes the agenda as appoint good teachers and teach good truth. Lets look at these two things.


  • Set in order what remains

Set in order is like setting broken limbs straight. My broken arm in 4th grade after falling on roller blades. Can’t heal and function without resetting! Gospel brings resetting and faith brings eternal healing and life. Same life promised long ago, manifest in Christ, and now preached by Paul and other Christians. This preaching of good news brings good results. Titus is to keep this going & see it change lives & leaders & churches.

Church will bring reproach if it is out of order. We talked about family and God’s family is in his house under his rules. WE can’t do whatever we want. But also, we ought to know the expectations. Titus needs to teach and remind these expectations to set things in order. That’s the majority of this letter, teaching on false teachers, godly living in specifics and godly living in general. Likely more that we don’t see as what the setting in order is is vague. Nonetheless, this is not just a list of rules but a list of responses to the good news! At least one specific one is spelled out and that is his second clear agenda item.


  • Appoint Elders in every town

Goldy leadership is crucial! Its mentioned here, 1 Tim 3, 1 Peter 5, Acts 20. Church isn’t the leaders but can’t exist without them. AND bad leaders are a problem! The Cretan culture, which was prone to deceit, brutality, and excess likely had leaders doing the same. Not to mention Pau makes explciity that it is those of circumcision party, legalist Judiazers who are the worst of it in 1:10-14. Appointing godly leaders, teaching sound doctrine, and emphasizing goldy living. Corroborates organization structure of the church. interesting in two different places even if similar culture. Elder qualifications we will get into more next week as it explains the character of such men and their competency (namely MUST be able to teach and refute). Elders plural shows necessity of plurality. Also in every town seems to show the necessity of multiple churches not just satellite campuses but for another conversation.


Paul was entrusted with the gospel and commanded to preach it by God. Titus was entrusted with the gospel and sent to preach it. The gospel entrusted to the Cretans so they’d live godly lives in light of the good news! What a chain of events! The gospel ought to produce change. The task for Titus is a good one, a great one, and hard and simple one. The agenda of this letter to encourage Titus in his task results in something as simple as getting good teachers and teaching good truth. Simple as that but also just as grand as that. This is a task that is just as simple and grand for you and me. Which brings me to our task and their connection to the gospel.


  1. Applications:

There is so much we can write here! We’ve hit some applicational things for you and me, but now let’s think a bit more. Application is what we do with this understanding for our own lives! I want to suggest just three things, not on the screen, but you can add more. I am getting these from my own meditation on this passage over the week.


Gospel IDDo you ponder your ID? Paul describes both himself and Titus in terms of faith. Paul’s a servant and an apostle by faith and is working to point others to faith in God. He wants eternal life to be the life others look to. Is that me? Is the gospel my main motivation factor every day? I wonder how that might change the language I used to introduce myself? Even to friends. Even to Christians like Paul to Titus. Brings me to a second one


GOSPEL BELIEFS TRUST IN A COMMON FAITH is a big deal. Paul I think is passing on authority to do the hard things but also reminding Titus of reality with that too. What is Titus’ faith in? Jesus! Then he ought to be motivated by that. Jesus died and rose again. Titus has this faith and knowledge and ought to live godly life and motivation. Would you be encouraged when others remind you of your job. When tempted to wander away or get too focused on your responsibility isn’t it good to get draw back in. Not all on you! Also, don’t forsake your responsibility.


GOSPEL ORDERS KNOW YOUR ASSIGNMENT today church. The mission of the church is the same for us. Matthew 28:18-20 ought to be something you memorize especially if you’re a member but even if not because that’s the mission of the church “is to go into the world and make disciples by declaring the gospel of Jesus Chris tin the power of the Spirit and gather these disciples in church’s that they might worship the Lord and obey his commands now and in eternity to the glory of the father.” DeYoung and Gilbert What is the Mission of the Church? Recently on the 9 Marks MissionsTalk podcast they had a good discussion on this I’d encourage you to check out. You ever think about this? We will hold fast to the truth of the main thing, the gospel. We will teach it to the young and the old so they know it. We will rebuke any false teaching, especially in the church, that threatens the gospel. We will see that this gospel results in obedience that further adorns the message of our Savior.


We have been given a task at hand. We just celebrated the resurrection. Jesus appeared, encouraged, spent 40 days, then he said I am out of here and I am leaving you to go make disciples. Go so that we might see the gospel spread. It spreads well from the foundation of our right ID, a right faith, and keeping the main thing the main thing.


God loved us so much that he sent his son as savior! Spreading this message is the mission we’ve been tasked with. As a church our mission is to go and share about Jesus in word and deed to all who will listen. As individual Christians we support this mission and then live it out in unique spheres of influences and giftings in our daily lives. The task at hand is to see souls saved and disciples sanctified to the glory of God. This is not all on our backs but rather is motivated by the good news. The task is great, but our God is greater. I am excited to continue this mission together church. Let’s ask God to strengthen us for the task and help us be strategic in our efforts to make disciples as we love him and love others. Pray



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